Sunday, September 7, 2008

Josh Smith's 1st assignment

So during the summer i went to silverwood in Idaho. Now i can use many words to describe this experience but i think crazy tops them all. Rollercoasters left and right, lines coming out of the door, and did i mention sunburns? Now, let me tell u about rollercoasters. You see them and you get all stoked before hand wanting to ride it and as your in the back of the line you thinks its going to be the most fun you've ever had. About mid-way through the line you feel a sense of nervousness as if u cant turn back from the chaos. Then right before you get on the coaster butterflies start to turn up, and as you enter into this crazy world of spins and insanity you start to think why you did this. This was my exact feeling, and climbing up the track ready to go down was definitely the scariest minute of my life! When the insanity came to an end everyone had a big smile on their face and it was all good. Well, i had a blast with my family and it was definitely a trip to remember. Long car rides through the state filled the car with cranky kids and night time driving came for loud snoring. It was as if i was in a big movie.I think the best part about it was the fact that we had no school, life was good and I was happy.

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